Oregon has adopted the IRC Appendix S: Strawbale Construction!

In 2016, the International Residential Code Council adopted Appendix S: Strawbale Construction as a model code.   During the summer of 2017, Oregon adopted the IRC's Appendix S: Strawbale Construction; the new code takes effect in the summer of 2018.   This is an improvement over Oregon's current straw bale construction code, and a big step forward for building with straw!  To download a free copy of this important code, visit the California Straw Building Association's website, www.strawbuilding.org.  Be sure to download the code version that includes commentary.  The code authors provide illustrations and explanations for many code provisions.   

California Straw Building Association

California Straw Building Association

The California Straw Building Association, founded in 1996, is an all-volunteer non-profit organization committed to straw bale building. CASBA funds research and code development, provides information and education, and holds workshops. CASBA members are architects, engineers, contractors, owner-builders, straw and other building material suppliers, and people interested in building with straw. Find them at www.strawbuilding.org

American Rainwater Catchment System Association

American Rainwater Catchment System Association

The American Rainwater Catchment System Association is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote sustainable rainwater harvesting practices to help solve potable, non-potable, storm water and energy challenges throughout the world. Founded in 1994, they offer rainwater catchment system design and installation certification courses and other information on rainwater catchment systems. Visit ARCSA at www.arcsa.org